“Keysersoze10” (love the username!) reached out asking for my thoughts on this profile:
– Age 31
– 7 years of experience
– 5 promotions in 7 years
– IT at a financial services institution (I’m guessing a bank or something like Visa)
– 680 GMAT; hoping to re-take to get a 740
In the video below, I mention a few resources, including my 3 tips to prepare for the GMAT blog post. This person might also want to check out my “Resume Twin” blog post; I’d be VERY curious to see where her/his “resume twins” ended up going for b-school.
In terms of schools to focus on, assuming a deduction of 30 points or so just as an utterly unscientific proxy for being in what is probably the largest application group (IT person from India), you can certainly aim for some dream schools, and in addition, schools that have good Product Management programs might be UT Austin, Washington Foster, perhaps Cornell Tech and/or NYU.